
Mold temperature

Conventional injection molding melt filling time is very short , often simplified flow analysis isothermal filling , however , this simplification does not apply in the micro- injection molding . Micro- structure of small and micro injection molding products runner size , surface area to volume ratio, large cooling area per unit volume of the melt . When injected into the micro- structure of the melt , the melt volume is small, contained fewer calories , then melt temperature will drastically reduce the temperature of the cavity wall , and the rapid formation of condensate layer . Polypropylene (PP) , for example, according to the formula ( 1 ) estimated from the thickness of the condensate layer micro- structure and micro- structure size is quite possible , and this will inevitably affect the filling micro- structure.Custom plastic mold Shen micro injection (MM) and micro- injection compression (M ICM) forming a micro structure of poly (methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) light guide . The mold temperature was found to have a significant impact repeatability of the microstructure , with the increase of temperature of the mold , the article microstructure repetitive greater improvement ; micro- injection compression , the mold temperature factor is also significantly affected , as the mold temperature increases, the repeatability of the microstructure article greatly improved , but there is no improvement in the former a large amplitude .Xie and other devices using visual observation of PP melt weld line formation in micro- flow channel , and according to the characteristics of the mold design Custom injection moulding heating and cooling devices. Found that when the mold temperature is below the polymer glass transition temperature will increase if the injection pressure, the micro- channel can not be fully populated ; when the mold temperature is higher than the glass transition temperature of the polymer , at a lower injection pressure the filling can be obtained preferably microfluidic channel . Other scholars have studied experimentally derived products mold temperature on the microstructure has a significant impact on the repeatability .

