
plastic injection mold makers trend further clarified

At present, China's plastic injection mold makers steel sales channels roughly into three categories: The first category is by ordering the special steel enterprise solutions, MASTER plastic injection mold makers this approach generally requires larger quantities, mainly applied to a handful of large mold manufacturing enterprises. Many small mold manufacturing companies, because of the need for bulk material rarely, generally do not participate in such orders. The second category is spread through retailers around the steel and special steel Retail companies to solve small and medium sized manufacturing companies need to mold the mold material. But these companies there are varieties of a single, incomplete specifications, cabinet mould technical weakness and other issues. Can not fully meet the needs of mold manufacturing. The third category is special steel enterprises overseas sales department in the country, such as Japan, Daido Steel Company, a joint Swedish steel company, Austria Bluff (bohler), Germany Thyssen (thyssen) companies, these companies can provide consistent quality many varieties of plastic drawer mold  fine materials and products, but the product price is too high. In short, our plastic injection mold makers remain stagnant circulation material in the early stages of the market economy, and the quality is not guaranteed nor timely delivery, mold manufacturing enterprises to purchase brought some difficulties.

